Cork Sea Trials

We were delighted to spend time in Cork testing and validating our simulations of the Artemis EF-12 Pilot with our Artemis EF-12 Workboat and gaining further insights and feedback the end-users and operators of the vessel.

We successfully conducted 15 ship contacts with 4 different vessel types ranging from 90-158 metres. We demonstrated the 'break away' from the ship with no contact of the stern quarter including during serials where the ships were turning towards the pilot boat or creating a lee.

Key findings

Testing data collected has validated simulations and CFD modelling

Pilot crew using the state of the art simulator screen and cabin

When comparing the testing data to the simulations and CFD modelling the results were very similar.

  • The Artemis EF-12 Workboat achieved within 4% of what the simulations predicted in terms of roll and stability during interaction with the ships.
  • Positive heel control achieved during the approach.
  • Yaw angles in excess of 20 degrees while alongside were easily achieved by controlling the rudder, without the need for additional vector thrust or throttle manipulation.

The vessel is stable and predictable in the wake and pressure field of a ship

The Artemis EF-12 Workboat was able to foil through the pressure wave and close to the contact point at the ship. Dropping down into displacement mode there is no following wake created, ensuring safe and stable close quarter manoeuvres, enabling efficient operation.

During contact the Artemis EF-12 Workboat maintained a positive stable position

A major benefit during approach and contact with the ship is the stability afforded by the flight control system. This is achieved by the foils utilizing their control surfaces to provide active stabilization, providing a more stable platform for the Pilot and crew to safely complete their operation.

The flight control system continually worked to provide a stable platform and maintained a desired heel angle while alongside at speeds ranging from 6—14 knots.

Benefits of the forward foil whilst alongside

Through simulations, we had shown that the forward foil would act similar to a keel on a sailing yacht by providing a lift force when a yaw angle was applied alongside the ship. The simulator showed that the foil would provide a beneficial force when holding station alongside the ship but would provide a breakaway force once the pilot boat reduced and started to breakaway.

The simulator results again were proven to be incredibly accurate in the Cork trials when the Artemis EF-12 Workboat would break away easily. This was aided by the offset in the fender on the shoulder and the aft quarter providing the initial break away angle resulting in minimum rudder assistance needed.

Many thanks to the Port of Cork and the Cork Pilots for enabling us to undertake this testing in Cork Harbour.

It was an essential part of our ongoing drive to ensure our Artemis EF-12 Pilot boat is optimised for safe and efficient pilot operations.

The data from these trails has informed the final design of the Artemis EF-12 Pilot boat.

More on the EF-12 Pilot